Career Episode Report Writing Service for Engineers Australia
We have a team of Career Episode Writers who have professional experience and are adept at writing.
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Brief Overview of the Career Episode Report
Highlights of Career Episode
- Engineering Managers
- Professional Engineers
- Engineering Technologists
- Engineering Associates
Format of Career Episode
1. Introduction
The Introduction Part orients the assessor of Engineers Australia into your essay. It must encompass three things. They are:
- The start and end date of the project.
- The company you were working for in the project
- The location of the project.
The length of Introduction part of career episode is 150 words.
2. Background
The Background part gives an account of the context of the project. It includes things like the nature of work area, nature of the project, objective of the projects, the candidate’s hierarchy in the project and the statement of duties of the candidate.
The length of the background section of a career episode should be between 200 words to 500 words.
3. Personal Engineering Activity
This portion constitutes the body part. In this portion, the candidates have to narrate how they performed their duties and responsibilites. They must be specific in what was assigned to them.
The crux of Personal Engineering Activity is that the candidate should solve the problem that arose in the project in a unique way. Candidates have to focus on the creative work that they did. And not the least, the candidates must demonstrate their ability to co-work. The applicant must mention the research works if they have performed in order to solve a particular engineering problem because it will be a great boost to their CDR Report.
4. Summary
The Summary part gives an account of the summary of the project. It should include how the candidate’s role impacted the project’s outcome, how the candidates looks at the project in retro and whether the project in itself was completed successfully or not.
The Typical length of a summary of career episode report is 50 words to 150 words.
Things to Remember while writing a competent Career Episode
Each Paragraph should be numbered in a proper way as mentioned below:
- Career Episode 1 ( Paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.)
- Career Episode 2 ( Paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc.)
- Career Episode 3 ( Paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc.)
You must particularly give attention to the unique position faced in the engineering work and the unique solution of the problem.
Applicant must highlight his personal role in all three career episodes. All the roles should mention the technical details of your works. The length of the career episode competency report should not be more than 2500 and less than 1000.
Engineers Australia will think that using the correct english language in writing the whole CDR Report is the proof of your ability of excellent communication skills.
Career Episodes Should be based on
- a job title which the applicant held or he currently holds
- an activity or a project that applicant was part of
- an activity on which the applicant is working at present
- an engineering project which the applicant did during his university days.
Each of the competency element mentioned in the Summary Statement should be addressed.
The report must be free from plagiarism. We at CDR Expert make sure that the complete package of CDR Report has permissible plagiarism in it.

We are the agency who is primarily located in the heart of Australia, the city Melbourne.

All of our writers are licensed professional engineers.

Familiarity with Immigration
Our team has years of experience of the migration procedure and expert at addressing EA comments.
Do you want a Writing Help? Call us on +61 390 216 765
We are available at all times to help you succeed in getting positive assessment from EA.